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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME)

IBME Study on AI Model GPT-3 Makes Global Impact

A recent study conducted by IBME researchers has captured significant attention worldwide. Published in Science Advances, the article titled "AI model GPT-3 (dis)informs us better than humans" by Giovanni Spitale, Nikola Biller-Andorno, and Federico Germani has resonated with readers and media outlets alike.

Quoted by over 300 news sources in 39 countries and translated into seven languages, including coverage by The Verge, Forbes, and The Times, the study has reached an impressive combined readership of approximately 640 million people. These remarkable numbers establish the article as one of the most impactful studies affiliated with the Institute and with the University of Zurich this year.

The IBME and the University of Zurich are honored by the recognition and proud of the thought-provoking research conducted by its scholars. This study challenges our understanding of AI-driven systems and their impact on information dissemination.

The research findings have sparked international dialogue, shedding light on the complex relationship between humans and AI in today's society. It is our hope that this study will contribute to the ongoing discussions surrounding the regulation and responsible use of these technologies.

