New Publication: Ethical reflections on organizing the first human trial of artificial womb technologies
New publication: Exploring the role of AI in classifying, analyzing, and generating case reports on assisted suicide cases: feasibility and ethical implications
Forum for Global Health Ethics – Upcoming Webinar: «Access to Healthcare: Therapies for Rare Diseases. What is Fair?»
New Publication: «Perspectives on Prenatal Genetic Testing, Screening, and Counseling: A Swiss Study»
New Publication: "Neurosurveillance in the workplace: do employers have the right to monitor employees' minds?"
Positionspapier zu «Gute Praxis Erfahrungsberichte» am 25.08.23 veröffentlicht: DIPEx-Schweiz am IBME war Teil des multidisziplinären Expertengremiums des Deutsche Netzwerk Gesundheitskompetenz (DNGK).
IBME / WHO work on the ethics of social listening and infodemic management presented at the conference on Governance of Social Listening in the context of Serious Health Threats in Hong Kong
Upcoming: PhD student Rasita Vinay will defend her doctoral thesis titled, «A bioethical perspective on navigating dementia care».
New Publication: "Black box algorithms in mental health apps: An ethical reflection" by Tania Manríquez Roa & Nikola Biller-Andorno in Bioethics
Giovanni Spitale Accepted to Swissnex San Francisco Science Communication Bootcamp to Develop Graphic Novel on Pandemic Ethics
Forschungsstudie: Moral distress bei ärztlichen Führungspersonen im Schweizer Klinikalltag –Status quo und Lösungsperspektiven
New Opinion Paper in The Lancet Psychiatry by Manuel Trachsel, Martin grosse Holtforth, Nikola Biller-Andorno, and Paul S. Appelbaum
Joint WHO Meeting on Ethics Guidance for Health Systems and Policy Research in collaboration with the University of Zurich
New special symposium in Public Health Ethics edited by Verina Wild, Deborah Zion and Richard Ashcroft
New Paper in The American Journal of Bioethics by Manuel Trachsel, Verina Wild, Tanja Krones, and Nikola Biller-Andorno
" offrir des outils réflexifs aux jeunes adultes": New article by Vincent Menuz and Johann Roduit published in Valais Valeur Ajoutée
New column by Johann Roduit published in l'Hebdo: "L’humain augmenté: entre amélioration et déshumanisation"
Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno im Gastkommentar zum Thema „Fortpflanzungsmedizin“ in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ
Interview „Wir fragen, was Menschen denken“ mit Nikola Biller-Andorno und Markus Huppenbauer zu Aufgabe und Funktionsweise von Ethik im UZH Magazin
Prof. Biller-Andorno im Radiobetrag „Der Tag“ im Hessischen Rundfunk zum Thema „Korrekturen? Das Unbehagen in der Biomedizin“
New Publication: Different Understandings of Life as an Opportunity to Enrich the Debate About Synthetic Biology
"Double Trouble? Towards an Epistemology of Co-infection" - New article on TB/HIV co-infection by Janina Kehr featured in Medicine, Anthropology, Theory
Johann Roduit was invited to give a response to Prof. Nicholas Agar regarding his latest book: Truly Human Enhancement. Slides are available online.
New article published and illustrated: “Modifier l’espèce humaine ou l’environnement? Les transhumanistes face à la crise écologique”, by Gabriel Dorthe and Johann Roduit. Published in Bioethica Forum. Illustrated by N. Stepanova (Arts-form association).
"Der bessere Mensch und die Angst" - Article in the Zürcher Studierendenzeitung (ZS) about the 2015 Winter School on Human Enhancement
New article published in the Monash Bioethics Review. Evaluating human enhancements: the importance of ideals. By Johann A R Roduit, Holger Baumann, Jan-Christoph Heilinger.
New article: Impact of the DRG-based reimbursement system on patient care and professional practise: perspectives of Swiss hospital physicians
A Social Understanding of Dignity: A Promising Approach in the Organ Selling Debate, by Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan
Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno zum Thema "Steigende Medikamentenpreise" im SRF Wirtschaftsmagazin "Trend"
Neuer Artikel von Tobias Eichinger "Die Inszenierung unserer reproduktiven Zukunft – Dokumentarfilmische Narrative im bioethischen Diskurs" in Ethik in der Medizin (online first)
Neuer Beitrag von Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno im Roadmap-Blog „Nachhaltiges Gesundheitssystem“ der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Kommentar von Manuel Trachsel in der SRF-Tagesschau vom 03.01.2015 zu psychiatrischen Patientenverfügungen
Interview mit Nikola Biller-Andorno in der Zürcher Studierendenzeitung zum Thema "Schmerzmittel sind keine Heilsbringer"
Interview mit Nikola Biller-Andorno auf Radio SRF2 zum Thema "Die Mittel gegen Ebola auf dem Prüfstand"
New publication on physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and assessment practices concerning medical decision-making capacity
New article by Christian Ineichen et al. published in "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience": A critical reflection on the technological development of deep brain stimulation (DBS)
New book review of "The Ethics of the New Eugenics" by Johann Roduit, published in Med Health Care and Philos
Effy Vayena has published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on the ethics of the Facebook experiment
Nikola Biller-Andorno im SRF zur Ebola-Epidemie und dem Einsatz noch nicht ausreichend getesteter Medikamente
Effy Vayena's e-letter on "Asking the right autonomy question in direct to consumer genomics" in the Journal of Medical Ethics
New Publication by Johann Roduit, Vincent Menuz and Holger Baumann. Book Chapter: Human Enhancement: Living Up to the Ideal Human
New article by Manuel Trachsel, Helena Hermann, and Nikola Biller-Andorno in American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
Nikola Biller-Andorno delivers welcome address at Jewish Medical Ethics Conference in Stein am Rhein, May 8, 2014
Registration Summer School 2014 in Public Health Policy, Economics and Management in Lugano is now open.
Johann Roduit, Op-ed published in "Le Temps", "Snowden et la Singularité: L’ère du super-ordinateur qui sait tout n’est peut-être plus très loin"
Prof. Biller-Andorno für weitere Amtsperiode als Mitglied der Zentralen Ethikkommission der SAMW wiedergewählt