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Nikola Biller-Andorno, Herwig Grimm & Rebecca L Walker just published a commentary article in the journal 'Nature Biotechnology' about professionalism and ethics in animal research.
This year for the Tag der Lehre you will have the opportunity to participate in the seminar: Film and medicine: a cinematographic tour of the ethics of human enhancement
There are still some places available for the 2015 Zurich Intensive Bioethics course. Don't hesitate to register
H + Magazine interviewed Johann Roduit regarding the ethics of human enhancement. The article is available online in both French and English. [.. read more]
The World Health Organization in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME), WHO Collaborating Centre of Bioethics [.. read more]
Verina Wild has edited a special issue on migrant health and ethics for the journal Public Health Ethics together with Deborah Zion and Richard Ashcroft. [.. read more]
Compulsory Treatment in Chronic Anorexia Nervosa by All Means? Searching for a Middle Ground Between a Curative and a Palliative Approach. [.. read more]
The registration for the Zurich Intensive Bioethics Course (ZIBC) is open! Please register online: The Institute of Biomedical Ethics [.. read more]
Neue Publikation in der Fachzeitschrift "Ethik in der Medizin" von Helena Hermann, Manuel Trachsel und Nikola Biller-Andorno [.. read more]
In der Zeitschrift HOTSPOT (Seiten 20/21) des Forum Biodiversität der ScNat (Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz) ist ein Gespräch [.. read more]
Vincent Menuz and Johann Roduit have published an article entitled " offrir des outils réflexifs aux jeunes adultes" for [.. read more]
Johann Roduit has published a column entitled "L'humain augmenté: entre amélioration et déshumanisation" for the Swiss magazine L'Hebdo. [.. read more]
In der Schweiz ist die Fortpflanzungsmedizin streng geregelt. Was in anderen Ländern gang und gäbe oder zumindest erlaubt ist, ist hier verboten. [.. read more]
Dürfen Embryonen untersucht werden? Können wir Fleisch mit Genuss essen? Die Ethikerin Nikola Biller-Andorno und der Ethiker Markus Huppenbauer [.. read more]
Das hat es noch nicht gegeben. Renommierte internationale Wissenschaftler veröffentlichen einen Aufruf im US Wissenschaftsmagazin "Science? [.. read more]
On May 27, Dr. Vincent Menuz, Research Associate at the IBME, will present parts of his research on human enhancement and the project [.. read more]
Dr Johann Roduit has accepted the position of Managing Director (Geschäftsführer) of the new Center for Medical Humanities at the University of Zurich. [.. read more]
Anna Deplazes Zemp, Daniel Gregorowius and Nikola Biller-Andorno publish a commentary article in the journal "Nanoethics" about the role of different [.. read more]
New article on TB/HIV co-infection by Janina Kehr featured in Medicine, Anthropology, Theory: Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection came to figure as one of the [.. read more]
Based on a careful reading of a wide variety of scientific and popular texts Niklaus Ingold maps the fortunes of sunlight in western medicine and culture. [.. read more]
Transhumanists believe that, through technological modifications, we may once be able to transcend our human condition and even become immortal. [.. read more]
Neu erschienener Artikel von Prof. Biller-Andorno im Tages Anzeiger Magazin zum Thema Lebensqualität und Gesundheitsversorgung im Alter.
Johann Roduit was recently invited to give a response to to Nick Agar regarding his latest book: Truly Human Enhancement (MIT Press 2014), during the [.. read more]
The aim of this article is to explore how transhumanists attempt to answer the environmental questions of our time. To this end, we selected and [.. read more]
Helena Hermann, Manuel Trachsel and Nikola Biller-Andorno have published a new article in the Journal of Medical Ethics: Physicians’ personal values in [.. read more]
Seit 2012 werden die Schweizer Spitäler über Fallpauschalen finanziert. Zwei der Ziele, effizientere Prozesse und mehr Zeit für den Patienten [.. read more]
"Patientenwohl und Ökonomie – Ärzte als Diener zweier Herren" lautete der Titel eines Referats, das Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno im vergangenen Herbst vor [.. read more]
Das IBME hatte 2013 schweizweit Ärztinnen und Ärzte befragt, wie sie seit der Einführung der Fallpauschalen die Patientenversorgung sowie ihre [.. read more]
This review highlights the impact of developmental programming on later-life risk of high blood pressure and kidney disease. Maternal health, low birth [.. read more]
From March 4 to 6, the Center for Medical Humanities (CMH) and the IBME have organized a Winter School on the ethics of human enhancement. [.. read more]
Is it necessary to have an ideal of perfection in mind to identify and evaluate true biotechnological human “enhancements”, or can one do without? [.. read more]
A new course on ethics for implementation research is being developed with colleagues at the World Health Organization’s Global Health Ethics [.. read more]
Affiliate researcher, Dr Carina Fourie, has accepted the position of the Benjamin Rabinowitz Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics at the Philosophy [.. read more]
Participants of the project were interviewed for the TV Program A Bon Entendeur. Dr. Vincent Menuz and some high school students [.. read more]
Ärztebefragung zu den Auswirkungen der DRG-basierten Spitalfinanzierung in der Schweiz: Seit 2012 werden die Schweizer Spitäler über Fallpauschalen [.. read more]
Abstract: Referring to Kant’s arguments addressing the moral relationship between our bodies and ourselves is quite common in contemporary debate about [.. read more]
La Tribune de Genève interviewed Johann Roduit regarding his research about the ethics of human enhancement. The article is available online here.
Abstract: In contrast to either sceptical approaches arguing for the redundancy of dignity or more theoretical ones concerning only abstract notions, this paper presents...
Die Medizin macht grosse Fortschritte. Immer mehr Krankheiten können behandelt oder gar geheilt werden. Doch das hat seinen Preis. Beim Bundesamt für...
"Kränkelnde Krankenhäuser": Mal wird zu viel operiert, mal zu wenig gepflegt: Der Ethikrat diskutiert im Tagesspiegel die Folgen ökonomischen Drucks in deutschen..
Please find the Research Colloquium on Biomedical Ethics Spring Semester 2015 program down below. For more information, please contact Michelle Heimgartner by
Im Oktober 2014 erlangte der promovierte Philosoph und Biologe PD Dr. Rouven Porz(affiliierter Mitarbeiter) die Habilitation im Fach „Medizinethik" der medizinischen
Obwohl Film nicht nur eine große Popularität und mediale Vertrautheit genießt, sondern auch als eine der bedeutendsten kulturprägenden Kunstformen der
Mit diesem Blogbieten die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweizein Forum, aktuelle Ereignisse rund um das Gesundheitssystem der Schweiz zu diskutieren.
La Libertéinterviewed Johann Roduitregarding his presentation and research during the Symposium Piin Monthey. The article is available online here.
In einem Interview mit der "Tagesschau des Schweizer Fernsehens SRF" begrüsst Dr. med. Dr. phil. Manuel Trachsel die Einführung von psychiatrischen
Unter dem Titel Selbstbestimmung als Element der Vorstellung vom guten Todbefasst sich Nina Streeckin der neusten Ausgabe des Bioethica Forumdamit, was wir unter
Johann Roduit presented his research during the Symposium PI at the Théâtre du Crochetan in Monthey (CH). In this talk entitled: “Demain tous des X-Men?
This Winter School will bring together an international group of experts to discuss different questions regarding the ethics of human enhancement. The registration for
Physicians often find it hard to determine if a patient suffering from dementia or depression is capable of making sound judgements (decision-making capacity or
Ethikforscherin Nikola Biller-Andorno erklärt, warum wir so bereitwillig Medikamente schlucken und warum die Pharmalobby eine Verantwortung gegenüber der
Die Ebola-Epidemie in Westafrika ist ausser Kontrolle. Tausende sind schon daran gestorben. Doch Blut von Menschen, die Ebola überlebt haben, könnte Neuerkrankten
The Ethics of Experimenting on Yourself; Ethicists are pushing back against ‘citizen scientists’ who want to do medical research on themselves.
Helena Hermann, Manuel Trachsel, Christine Mitchell and Nikola Biller-Andornohave published the results of a national wide survey study on medical decision-making
Diskussionen sind das Herzstück unserer biomedizinethischen Lehre. Die Mitarbeitenden des Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik öffnen daher am Tag der Lehre
The paper entitled "Getting Human Rights Right in Global Health Policy”highlights a disturbing trend away from human rights in the global development agenda. The
Since the translational research findings of Benabid and colleagues which partly led to their seminal paper regarding the treatment of mainly tremor-dominant Parkinson
Effy Vayenais an invited speaker at the European Health Forum Gastein 2014. She will be talking about the ethical and regulatory challenges in personalized medicine.
Johann Roduithas published a review of the book The Ethics of the New Eugenics(2014, Oxford: Berghahn) by MacKellar, C. and Betchel, C.
The conference discusses the ethics of health incentive programs: How should we balance autonomy, solidarity and justice in health incentive policies? How should we
The SNSFhas awarded funding to a project on wishes to diethat is part of the NRP 67-project The wish to die in persons with serious illness. With the 3 year grant Nina
Helena Hermannpresented on the XVI World Congress of Psychiatry in Madridon the appropriate way of standardizing mental capacity assessments. In view of the ethical est lancé!L’Université de Zürich a lancé le projet de communication scientifique “ The Next Generations?”. L’objectif du projet est
Effy Vayenahas published a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)on the ethics of the Facebook experiment(with Jeff Kahn and Anna
Nikola Biller-Andornois responsible for the ethics project of theNCCR (National Center of Competence in Research, funded by the SNF) Molecular Systems
Gespräch mit Nikola Biller-Andornoim SRFzur Ebola-Epidemie und dem Einsatz noch nicht ausreichend getesteter Medikamente.
Effy Vayena'se-letter on Asking the right autonomy question in direct to consumer genomicsin the Journal of Medical Ethics. Link
Nikola Biller-Andornoon Screening for Breast Cancerat BBC Radio 4. Listen to the podcast here.
Human Enhancement: Living Up to the Ideal Human, new book chapter written by Johann Roduit, Vincent Menuzand Holger Baumann, published in Global Issues and Ethical Considerations in Human Enhancement Technologies. IGI Global, 2014. 54-66. 2014. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6010-6.ch004. Article available online here.
New article by Manuel Trachsel, Helena Hermann, and Nikola Biller-Andornoin American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias: Cognitive Fluctuations as a Challenge for the Assessment of Decision-Making Capacity in Patients With Dementia
Effy Vayenawas awarded a grant from the Brocher Foundationto conduct a symposium on the Ethical aspects of patient-centred research Initiatives(in collaboration with Prof. Pascal Borry and Dr Heidi Howard).
New paper by Nikola Biller-Andornoand Caroline Clarinvalon Disaster Bioethics.
Effy Vayena'sRapid Response on enabling patient partnershipsin the British Medical Journalalso discussed in the BMJ Blogs.
The Huffington Postinterviewed Johann Roduitregarding the latest movie Transcendenceand the ethical issues surrounding the idea of uploading a human mind into a computer. The article is available online here.
Nikola Biller-Andornoin einem Beitrag zur Übertherapiein der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung.
Op-ed by Johann Roduitpublished in Le Temps: Quand la technologie investit le foot, available online here.
We proudly announce that the IBME has been awarded funding from the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS), Käthe-Zingg-Schwichtenberg-Fonds, for the following three research projects: Gesellschaftlicher Druck auf Sterbende? Sterbewünsche zwischen sozialen Einflüssen und authentischen Selbstsein(Nina Streeck), ECMO zwischen Indikation und Futility: Entwicklung eines faktoriellen Surveys zur Messung von Normen zur Bewertung der ECMO(Tanja Krones, Daniel Drewniak) and Bonusverträge in der stationären Gesundheitsversorgung(Nikola Biller-Andorno, Margrit Fässler).
Nikola Biller-Andornodelivers welcome address at Jewish Medical Ethics Conferencein Stein am Rhein, May 8, 2014. Selected MP3s are available for downloadfrom the last conference. Scientific Program
PhD students, postdocs, and other interested people can now register for courses at the Summer School in Public Health Policy, Economics and Management in Lugano. Fees will be waived for PhD students at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics for the courses on Incentives for Better Healthand Conflicts of Interest and Corruption from a Health Systems Perspective.Registration closes July 15, 2014. For registration, please click here.
New article by Effy Vayenain the Journal of Medical Ethics Direct-to-consumer genomics on the scales of autonomy".
New article by Judith Richterin the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Titel: Time to turn the tide - WHO's engagement with non-state actors and the politics of stakeholder governance and conflicts of interest.Short version published as letter to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), full version on Rapid Response Website.
Neu erschienenes Buch von Bernice S. Elger, Nikola Biller-Andornound Bernhard Rütsche zu Ethik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften - Aktuelle Fallbeispiele aus klinischer Praxis und Forschung, erhältlich bei De Gruyter.
Nikola Biller-Andornoin Tele Topon Breast Screening.
New article by Prof. Nikola Biller-Andornoon Mammography Screeningin the New England Journal of Medicine. Link Swiss Medical Board
Article by Effy Vayenaand Christian Ineichenin Public Health GenomicsPlaying a Part in Research University Students' Attitudes to Direct-To-Consumer Genomics
Key challenges for next-generation pharmacogenomics: Science & Society series on Science and Drugs. Link EMBO Reports
Effy Vayena'sinterview at the Swiss Re Center for Global Dialogue eventon Healthcare revolution: Big data and smart analytics
Übersichtsartikel von Manuel Trachsel, Helena Hermannund Nikola Biller-Andornoim Swiss Medical Forum
Das Human Brain Project HBPist eines der beiden auf 10 Jahre angelegten Flagship Projekte der Europäischen Kommission mit dem Ziel, das grundlegende Verständnis des Gehirns zu fördern, Hirnkrankheiten zu heilen und neue Technologien basierend auf neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zu entwickeln. Dies stellt ethische, rechtliche und soziale Fragen, die im ELSA-Komitee des HBP diskutiert werden. Nikola Biller-Andornovom Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Markus Christenvom Universitären Forschungsschwerpunkt Ethik sind nun als Mitglieder des Komitees gewählt worden. Im März findet die konstituierende Sitzung statt.
Effy Vayena's article on responsible innovation and science diplomacy. Link
Mit Gedanken lassen sich heute Geräte steuern. Dank Hirnstimulation können Krankheiten geheilt werden. Ermöglicht die Hirnforschung bald ferngesteuerte Menschen? Bioethiker Markus Christenspricht in der Weltwocheüber Chancen und Gefahren der Neurowissenschaft.Mit Gedanken lassen sich heute Geräte steuern. Dank Hirnstimulation können Krankheiten geheilt werden. Ermöglicht die Hirnforschung bald ferngesteuerte Menschen? Bioethiker Markus Christenspricht in der Weltwocheüber Chancen und Gefahren der Neurowissenschaft.
Prof. Nikola Biller-Andornoand Prof. Markus Huppenbauerhave been awarded an SNFS-Agora Grantfor the project The Next Generations. Superhumains.chseeks to educate, inform and dialogue with high school (Matura) and professional students (Berufsschule) about bioethical issues regarding the use of emerging technologies on humans. From February 2014, Johann Roduitwill be the scientific project coordinator of the project.
Johann Roduit, Op-ed published in Le Temps, Snowden et la Singularité: L’ère du super-ordinateur qui sait tout n’est peut-être plus très loin, available online here.
Johann Roduit's blog post, Singularité: ma troisième survie apocalyptique, was selected to be published in l'Anthologie des meilleures blogues de science 2014. The book will be published in Spring 2014 in the éditions MultiMondes
Immer mehr Frauen lassen ihre Eizellen einfrieren - um erst Mutter zu werden, wenn es aus beruflichen oder sozialen Gründen besser passt. Ein Gericht in St. Gallen erlaubt erstmals die umstrittene Methode. Ist das, was möglich und machbar ist, auch sinnvoll und wünschenswert? Gespräch mit der Ethikerin Prof. Nikola Biller Andorno. Link
Nikola Biller-Andornoin a Harvard Business Review Blog Link
Neuer Artikel von Regula Ott und Nikola Biller-Andorno wurde in Pharmacopsychiatry publiziert.
Editorial in the Magazine Bioethicsby Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno, Ruud Ter Meulen and Ainsley Newson.
Neuer Artikel von Effy Vayenaim Magazin der Universität Zürichzum Thema Tumoren verschwinden lassen.
New article by Effy Vayenain Nature Biotechnology on the ethics of participant-led biomedical research. Link
Fall Semester's Ringvorlesung Programis co-organised by Effy Vayena (IBME)and Isabel Klusman (Life Science Zurich). For more information on the program see Flyer below.
Le chat du docteur Frankenstein: modifcations biotechnologiques de nos amis les bêtes, published in the: Bulletin des médecins suisses. Link & Download
Editorial by Effy Vayenaand Barbara Prainsack"Regulating genomics: time for a broader vision" in Science Translational Medicine. Free Access here.
Genetic Incidental Findings: autonomy regained?in Genetics in Medicine. Open access here
The AFE and the IBME have been awarded funding from the SNSFfor two years for the research project Equality in health, equality for health: Justice, status and the social gradient in health.From January 2014, Dr. Carina Fouriewill be conducting normative research on why social gradients in health could be of ethical concern.
Journal article in Suchtmagazin. Regula Ottwrites about Swiss and international surveys among physicians concerning attitudes and handling of Neuro-Enhancers.
Die Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften (SAMW)hat eine Studie über die Haltung der Ärzteschaft zur Suizidhilfeausgeschrieben. Die Studie wird von Brauer|Strub. Medizin – Ethik – Politikund Büro Vatter AG. Politikforschung & -beratung“ in Zusammenarbeit mit gfs.berndurchgeführt. Die Projektleitung übernimmt Susanne Brauer.
The commission for the Fonds Käthe Zingg Scheichtenberghas awarded a grant (KZS 19/13) to Corine Mouton Doreyfor her project: Clinical registries: necessity or waste? Development of an Ethical Framework ensuring that clinical registries contribute to improved quality of health care
BMJ Feature Article on Challenges of US Medicaid Expansionby Douglas Noble, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Jason Sutherland, and Matthew Anstey. Link
The SAMSsupports the NFP67 research project Decision-making capacity at the end-of-life and its assessment in Switzerlandby Nikola Biller-Andorno, Manuel Trachsel, and Helena Hermann
Neuer Artikel in der NZZ am Sonntagmit Interview von Judy Illes. Thema Wir werden uns immer ein Stück weit ein Geheimnis bleiben.
As part of the of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNFS) project Human enhancement and perfection, Johann Roduithas been awarded an SNSF Mobility grant. From October 2013 to April 2014, he will take part in the "Academic Visitor Programme" of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.
New publication Decision-making incapacity at the end of life: conceptual and ethical challengesBy Manuel Trachsel, PhD, Christine Mitchell, RN, MS, MTS, and Nikola Biller-Andorno, MD, PhD
Stéphanie Dagronhas been awarded an SNSF Professorship of the Swiss National Science Foundationfor the following project (starting september 2013): Juridification of global health concerns: Implications for health prevention, treatment and health systems. Link
New Interview and Publication by Nikola Biller-Andornoon Physician Assisted Suicide in the New England Journal of Medicine.
New publication Ethical Physician Incentives — From Carrots and Sticks to Shared Purpose. By Nikola Biller-Andorno, M.D., Ph.D., and Thomas H. Lee, M.D.
Verina Wild and Agomoni Ganguli Mitrahave written the editorial for the "Special Symposium on Powers and Faden's Social Justice" in the journal Public Health Ethics. Read an extract.
"Neohumanitas, Writing the future together". Call for participants. All info of the project can be found here
Johann A R Roduit, Op-ed published in "Le Temps", "Jusqu'où peut-on améliorer un être humain"available online here
Peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of medical ethics (JME).Human enhancement and perfection in the Journal of medical ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-2012-100920. By Johann A R Roduit, Holger Baumann, Jan-Christoph Heilinger.
Adapting Standards: Ethical Oversight of Participant-Led Health Research. PLoS Med 10(3): e1001402.By Vayena E, Tasioulas J (2013). Link
Effy Vayena's Opinion in The Scientist, discussing the recent paper in ethical oversight of participant-led research. Link
As a collaboration partner of three US Universities (University of Notre Dame, University of Oregon, Grand Valley State University) the IBME successfully achieved a grant in “The Science of Intellectual Humility” project(Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology).
In Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste arbeiten Mitarbeiter des IBME an der Entwicklung eines Serious Moral Game, das künftig auch für die Ehtik-Schulung von Medizinstudierenden eingesetzt werden soll.
Dr. Margrit Fässler contributed to panel discussion about interim result after one year of introduction of the new DRG based hospital financing.
Journal article in 'Das Magazin'Mathias Plüss talks with Dr. Margrit Fässler about the role of placebo effects in clinical medicine.
Beyond the clinic: 'direct-to-consumer' genomic profiling services and Barbara Prainsack and Effy Vayena
Caught in the Web: Informed Consent for Online Health Research, in Science Translational Medicine by Effy Vayena, Anna Mastroianni, Jeff Kahn.
Colorful brains. 14 years of display practice in functional neuroimaging.By Christen M, Vitacco DA, Huber L, Harboe J, Fabrikant S, Brugger. NeuroImage 73: 30-39.
Regula Ottdiskutiert die eben erschiene Studie aus Deutschland, wonach jede/r fünfte Studierende bereits Erfahrungen mit solchen Wirkstoffen gemacht hat; erwähnt erste Resultate ihrer Studie bei Studierenden der Universität Zürich und fordert, dass wir uns vor einer möglichen Legalisierung als Gesellschaft Gedanken dazu machen, was für Ziele wir damit verfolgen möchten.
The challenge of personal genomics in Germanyby Effy Vayena and Barbara Prainsack in Nature Biotechnology
From Molecules to Medicine 1st International Meeting for Young Researchers Engelberg
Neuroenhancement – perspectives of Swiss psychiatrists and general practitionersby Regula Ott, Christian Lenk, Nicole Miller, Rachel Neuhaus Bühler, Nikola Biller-Andorno Published 27 November 2012, doi:10.4414/smw.2012.13707
Serious Moral Games. Erfassung und Vermittlung moralischer Werte durch Videospiele. Edition ZHdK. By Christen M, Faller F, Götz U, Müller C.
"Anticipons notre immortalité" Newspaper Article published by Johann Roduit and Vincent Menuz in the Huffington Post (France).
New publication by Effy Vayena et al.: Experiences of Early Users of Direct-to-Consumer Genomics in Switzerland: An Exploratory Study.
Anna Deplazes and Nikola Biller-Andorno published an opinion article on different explanations of life and synthetic biology in the science and society section of EMBO Reports.
Vayena E, Mauch F. Personal genomics: are we debating the right Issues? .Praxis (Bern 1994). 2012 Jul 25;101(15):961-4.
Vayena E, Mastroianni A, Kahn J. Ethical Issues in Health Research With Novel Online Sources. Am J Public Health. 2012 Oct 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Moral Development in Early Childhood is the Key for Moral Enhancement.AJOB Neuroscience 3(4), 25-26. A comment to the moral enhancement debate. By Christen M, Narvaez D
The Road towards Ethical ICT. European Physical Journal.Special Topics 214: 153–181. An outline of ethical issues in the „big data“ era. By Van den Hoven J, Helbing D, Pedreschi D, Domingo-Ferrer J, Gianotti F, Christen M: FuturICT.
Der Senat der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften hat in seiner Sitzung vom 29.5. 2012 Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno, Einzelmitglied der SAMW, als Mitglied der Zentralen Ethikkommission bestätigt.
The (limited) space for justice in social animals.Social Justice Research 25:298–326. Is there “justice” in animal behavior – a critical analysis. By Christen M, Glock HJ
Jürg Streuli published a qualitative survey about professionalism and its meaning for Disorders or Differences of Sex Development also known as Intersex.
Annette Rid has been awarded the runner-up of the 2012 Mark S. Ehrenreich Prize at the 11th World Congress of Bioethics in Rotterdam.
Roman Gähwiler published new article in Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Bewegungsstörungen. Eine Informationsbroschüre für Patientinnen und Patienten Published by Parkinson Schweiz. Eine Patientenbroschüre zur Entscheidungsfindung bei Tiefer Hirnstimulation
Der „unmoralische Patient“. Eine Analyse der Nutzung hirnverletzter Menschen in der Moralforschung. Nervenheilkunde 31: 209–214. Die Verhaltensauffälligkeiten hirnverletzter Menschen sind komplexer als die Moralforschung beschreibt. By Christen M, Regard M
Current status and future challenges of deep brain stimulation in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly 142: w13570. A review and analysis of deep brain stimulation in Switzerland. By Christen M, Müller S
Effy Vayena has contributed in three chapters of this forthcoming volume on Reproductive Donation by Cambridge University Press
Call for Papers for Workshop "Meeting the Authors: Ruth Faden and Madison Powers" in June 4-5, 2012 Deadline: March 15, 2012
New Article published by Dr. Stéphanie Dagron.
New Article published by Johann Roduit in the Huffington Post.
Dealing with Side Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation: Lessons Learned from Stimulating the STN.AJOB Neuroscience 3(1): 37-43. Why we may underestimate the social complexity of deep brain stimulation. By Christen M, Bittlinger M, Walter H, Brugger P, Müller S.