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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME)

Invitation to conference December 19th/20th, 2014: "The ethics of health incentive programs"

The conference discusses the ethics of health incentive programs: How should we balance autonomy, solidarity and justice in health incentive policies? How should we define and address vulnerability, stigmatization and personal responsibility in health incentive programs? Which responsibility do health incentive pilot projects carry for possible value changes in health care systems? How can different theories of justice help us think about health incentive programs? Which questions arise from a global ethics perspective on health incentive programs?

Speakers include: Rebecca Brown, Angus Dawson, Nir Eyal, Anca Gheaus, Samia Hurst, Yashar Saghai, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Kristin Voigt, Verina Wild. The conference will take place at Munich Centre for Ethics and is organized by Verina Wild (University of Zurich), Anca Gheaus (University of Sheffield and University of Umea) and Jan-Christoph Heilinger (University of Munich).

Supported by University Research Priority Program for Ethics, University of Zurich and Munich Center for Ethics, University of Munich (LMU).

Organized by Dr. Verina Wild (Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich), Dr. Anca Gheaus (Department of Philosophy, Umea University and University of Sheffield), Dr. Jan-Christoph Heilinger (Munich Centre for Ethics, LMU Munich).

