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Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte (IBME)

Prof. David Armstrong spricht über "researching infectious diseases"

In films like Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion the world is portrayed as never more than a cough or sneeze away from a major pandemic, one that could spell the end of the human race. Today, concerns over microbial organisms transgressing national borders in a globalized world have both undermined and reinforced state efforts to control disease. But why are microbes considered such a global threat, and is the threat just a matter of “hype”? Who or what is behind these narratives of contagion, and why has contagion been the object of so much fear and fascination over the past few decades? These and other questions are at the centre of a two-day workshop beginning on 15 June with a public discussion involving leading experts in the field.

15 June 2012, Universität Zürich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, Hörsaal KO2-F-152

Public Round Table Discussion, 10.00-12.00h

Keynote by Professor David Armstrong, 18.00-19.30h

Flyer (PDF, 280 KB)
