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Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME)

New Publication from Sebastian Wäscher, Tim Nguyen and Nikola Biller-Andorno: ‚Infodemics‘: Der Umgang mit Informationen in Pandemiezeiten aus ethischer Perspektive

Wäscher S., Nguyen T., Biller-Andorno N. (2021) ‚Infodemics‘: Der Umgang mit Informationen in Pandemiezeiten aus ethischer Perspektive. In: Reis A., Schmidhuber M., Frewer A. (eds) Pandemien und Ethik. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 

Half-truths, misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories. Buzzwords that have been on everyone's lips at least since the 2016 US presidential election. In the wake of the current Covid 19 pandemic, all these terms have once again gained increasing attention. In this context, the World Health Organisation (WHO) refers to the enormous volume of information of varying quality as an 'infodemic'. The problems associated with the term 'infodemic', like most problems of modern societies, are complex and cannot be considered in isolation. Our paper describes and classifies the most important issues and concludes by presenting two examples of how some of the challenges can be addressed.

The article is published in the edited volume “Pandemien und Ethik” (Pandemics and Ethics) by Andreas Reis, Martina Schmidhuber, and Andreas Frewer.